Business Setup

Why an industrial license is a must-have for manufacturing companies in Dubai

Why an industrial license is a must-have for manufacturing companies in Dubai

Are you going to start a manufacturing business in Dubai?

If you respond with yes, this business is going to be a life-changing business for you.

In order to start a manufacturing business in Dubai, you should have an industrial license in your pocket. This is the foremost requirement for people who want to carry out a manufacturing activity in Dubai.

With an industrial license, you can run your business activities legally and avoid penalties.

Therefore, an industrial license is mandatory for running a manufacturing company in Dubai.

Benefits of Obtaining an Industrial License in Dubai

As part of the UAE government’s plan to boost the economy and get more businesses to invest, businesses with an industrial license get extra benefits.

The best part is that getting an industrial license can help you as a business owner, your investors, the local market, and your customers.

First of all, if you have an industrial license in Dubai, the government gives you land at a very low price or sometimes even for free.

Also, the lease terms for industrial spaces are often set in a way that benefits the investor. Your business can also get discounts on utilities like water, gas, and electricity. How cool it is!

Next, the UAE government encourages the creation of new products by lowering the rates on business loans.

During the research and development stages of your business, you may be able to get more money if your company has a new and unique product or service that could help the national economy.

Lastly, the UAE government has set up resources and support for businesses in the industry sector that are new or growing.

This means that your business can get advice and mentoring from people who know more about your industry. This can help your business and how it works.

Business Sectors That Fall Under The Umbrella of Industrial  License

These are business sectors where obtaining an industrial license is mandatory:

  • Paper manufacturing
  • Textile manufacturing
  • Manufacture of petroleum products
  • Food and beverage industries
  • Equipment manufacturing
  • The casting of metal industries
  • Books binding
  • Metal product coating
  • Sculptures
  • Pharmaceutical packaging
  • Cards and envelops printing

You should obtain an industrial license if your business falls under any of the above-mentioned business activities.

Necessary Documents For Obtaining an Industrial License

In order to get an industrial license in Dubai, you need these crucial documents:

  • Factory location
  • National media council approval copy
  • Ministry of Health approval copy
  • Ministry of Interior approval
  • Passport copy
  • Residency copy for non-citizens
  • Trade license copy
  • Balance sheet copy
  • A comprehensive report of the factory and warehouse
  • Partnership contract copy

Process of obtaining an industrial license for manufacturing in Dubai

Here are the steps that need to be taken in Dubai to get an industrial license.

  • Before opening a business or factory in Dubai, the first step is to get Initial Approval from the relevant authorities. Initial approval is also needed if you want to change the current factory settings or specifications.
  • After you get the Initial Approval, you can talk to the DED and ask for the industrial license.
  • The application processing time can take up to three months. DED makes the final choice within the time limit.
  • After a decision is made, DED will inform the applicant that their application has been approved. And this could take up to 15 more days.
  • If you want to build a factory, you need to get permission from the Municipality first. You need other permissions from places like the Ministry of Health, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and so on.

The final approval will be given within two weeks if all of the above requirements and paperwork are done.

Obtain Your Industrial License in Dubai Effortlessly!

Getting an Industrial License in Dubai can take a lot of time and energy because there are so many rules to follow.

If obtaining an industrial license in Dubai gives you headaches, panic not. Luckily, we are here to help you with every step.

Bizstart business setup consultants have helped several businesses in Dubai get an industrial license. They have years of experience and can guide you throughout the entire process.

Even if you just have a general question about Industrial License, you get in touch with our business consultants. Our professionals will be happy to help you.

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